Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Me and my husband bought a laptop computer for my family in PI so we can save phone bills and we can just talk with them anytime we want online. We sent the computer last feb.28,2008 and we paid $300.00 to make the shipment more faster but then a problem arouses and it takes three weeks for them to deliver it. I'm so mad and disappointed with the service of that company that we've been to. I've been calling them and yesterday I called the company and complain about the service that they gave me. Surprisingly, they reimbursed me 100% of what i payed to them. I'm so thankful of what they've done in return. I told my husband that i'm guilty to receive that money back because they still deliver it to my family. The company still do their job even the delivery was delayed. My husband told me that its their fault its not ours. So, its money and I need it so badly for me to send the Balikbayan Box for my family. Thats all for today!!!